Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

1. What is the best way to achieve customer satisfaction for a comic store?

2. My first answer is to always know your product and always knowing what your customers want.

3. My second answer is to grow close relationships with your customers and always have them be involved in what you are doing.

4. -When you are nice with customers they tend to give you good reviews and would want to come back to your store

     -Get to know your customers personally, it shows that you actually care for them and are interested in them as a person

     -When you are not nice to customers they tend to act the same way towards you and can possibly lead to a bad review on your store and rumors that talk trash about you personally

5. The best printed source that supports my answer is my Interview #3

6. Other sources that help supports my answers are "6 Keys to Improving Your Customer Service Skills" and "10 Ways to Make Customers Fall in Love With Your Business."

7. Customers are a very important factor in your store/business, they are the ones that keep you in business. So make sure you pay them back with the respect that they deserve.

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