1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgurNffFdkk1dFhmNDdsbHZLRE9JLVhWcFNBTnYwUnc#gid=0
2. Mentor: Guillermo Espino, Phone Number: (562) 440-1592
3. First question: What do we do exactly during the 10 hours of mentorship?
Second question: Is there anything else that needs to be done before completing the 10 hours?
4. The most important thing I gained from experience was learning how hard it is to own your own business. There is a lot of time and money that goes into owning your own business. It can takes years to get your business going and to actually get clients for your business. This is important because it gives me a little taste of how it is to own a business and it will help me get prepared for it.
5. For the 10 hours during the summer I did the mentorship hours with my uncle, Guillermo Espino, and he does legal work. Mostly with helping illegal immigrants become American citizens. But for my senior project I will most likely change my topic for something I am more interested in. I yet to find out what that new topic is though, but I hope to find that out soon.
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